Contact Us
How can you come to Tepecik-Çiftlik?
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı İstanbul Üniversitesi Tepecik-Çiftlik Kazı Evi, Yeni Mahalle, İnönü Caddesi No: 65, 51800, Çiftlik/Niğde.
Fill out the form below to contact us.

Visitors who wish to arrive in their own vehicles can find our address using "Google Maps."
Visitors who wish to arrive by bus from various cities in Turkey will arrive at the Niğde Bus Terminal; from there they should go to the Old Terminal using the shuttle transport from the terminal to the city centre. They then can use the hourly shuttles from the Old Terminal to Çiftlik.
The Niğde/Çiftlik bus run by the Metro Turizm Bus Company arrives at Çiftlik directly. After arriving at Çiftlik, ask anyone directions to the Tepecik-Çiftlik Dig House or Old Health Centre (Eski Sağlık Ocağı). You will be well directed.
Our visitors who wish to fly should go to the Niğde Bus Terminal by inter city transportation after arriving at Nevşehir or Kayseri Airports. From there, after arriving at the Old Terminal, the above mentioned shuttles may be used to arrive at Çiftlik.
The excavation season at Tepecik-Çiftlik runs between July-September. Except for these months, the excavation area and dig house is not open for visitors.